Note |
Before you can use this utility to generate delphi classes from .Net assemblies, you must have Delphi Host Class Library and Delphi Framework Class Library installed. |
You can change the class names of the assembly types by clicking on the Modify Class Name button. The screen below will be shown where you can change the default class names of the assembly types.
Click the Next button and go to step 3.
Step 3: This screen allows you to determine how the imported assemblies should be loaded by the host library at runtime. There are four load assembly options, namely:
Load from GAC using Qualified Assembly
Selecting this option
allows the host library to load the assembly from the Global Assembly Cache
using the qualified assembly name. Example: System.Data, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b78a5c561856e089
Load from GAC using Partial Assembly
Name: Selecting this option allows the host
library to load the assembly from the Global Assembly Cache using the
partial name of the assembly. Considering the above example, instead of
specifying the full qualified name, you can specify only the name of the
assembly. Example: System.Data
Load from File Location:
Selecting this option allows
the host library to load
the assembly from the specified file location.
d. Load from EXE location: Selecting this option allows the host library to load the assembly from the location of the Delphi executing file. You can copy your .net assembly files to the delphi executable file directory and select this option.
Click the Next button and go to step 4.
Step 4: This screen allows you to specify the directory where the generated Delphi files will be stored after import. You can also select the option(s) for importing the assembly types. These options are:
Separate larger generated Delphi units into different
units: Selecting this option allows the process to automatically separates the
delphi unit to be generated into smaller units if the unit to be generated from
the assembly types will be larger and contains volumnous lines of code making it difficult to
debug in delphi.
Selecting this option allows the process to perform a
number of delphi code optimization such as excluding public field members of
the selected types to be imported and prevent creating full class definition for types without any
c. Search and include type references in other assemblies to be imported: Selecting this option allows the process to search for any dependencies in the list of assemblies to be imported and use the referenced type rather than specifying a default value or creating a class for the referenced type.
Click the Finish Button to start the process.
After the process is complete, atleast 2 files or delphi units will have been generated for each assembly file imported. These units are:
· Constant Unit : This delphi unit contains the string constant variables of the assembly ID, the assembly load option path and the fullnames of the .net assembly types imported. This unit file name is the combination of the name of the class unit and Const.
The example below shows the content of the constant unit generated from the System.Xml assembly file.
· Class Unit(s) : Contains the types and members of the types imported from the .net assembly file which is represented as classes in this unit. More than one class unit can be generated if the option "Separate larger generated Delphi units into different units" is selected and the assembly file to be imported will result in a larger and voluminous lines of code in a single unit.
The example below shows the content of the Class Unit generated from the System.Xml assembly file.
· Enums Unit : This delphi unit contains the enumeration types defined in the imported assembly types. If the assemblies to be imported do not have any enumeration types, this unit will not be generated. This unit file name is the combination of the name of the class unit and Enums.