The easiest and the most efficient Java and .NET integration technology in the market.
Our product helps software companies to integrate Java and .NET with the highest performance, reliability
and flexibility to build the cross-technology web, desktop or server applications.
dotNet4Java is the best native Java and .NET bridge on the market. Today's world is using two dominating
software development platforms .NET and Java equally distributed across products and devices.
dotNet4Java enables different industries to access broader markets with their products by exposing
existing solutions for both technologies. For end-consumers dotNet4Java allows to share purchased
products between .NET and Java teams or access critical modules and devices not available in the
preferred technology.
dotNet4Java bridges between .NET and Java by working in a single process that makes it invisible to end-users.
Working in a single process means both VMs are in the same process, so any call uses same thread and same stack
for both environments.
dotNet4Java loads .Net CLR Native Interface library and bind it to Java JVM
with native module which translates the calls from the interface to the methods on
the Java JVM using JNA which automatically converts data-types, manages memory and threads
synchronization and guarantees high performance, increased reliability and security.
We use JNA to register .NET implementation of native methods of .Net Native Interface Library
to forward call to methods on real .NET objects.