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.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.8.1 Release

May 31, 2024

Allow multiple versions of the product executables to run on the same machine.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility -
Prevents importing local methods,
Fixed duplicate enum names generated for different enum types,
Imports generic delegate types where the type parameter is a delegate type.

dotNetCore4Delphi v1.0.3.1 Release

May 31, 2024

Allow multiple versions of the product executables to run on the same machine,
Fixed invocation error when the method or property to be invoked is an interface method or property which is hidden in the class,
Fixed range error exception when creating dynamic array in the Bridge Manager and the platform is 64bit.
.Net Core DLL Import Utility -
Prevents importing local methods,
Fixed errors generated when importing class with a base generic class/interface having a defined type parameter,
Fixed errors generated when importing interface with a base generic interface having a defined type parameter,
Fixed errors generated when importing methods with a Nullable type parameter with a default value,
Fixed hanging issue when importing libraries and the 'Adding Framework Types status' reaches 100%. This occurs in .Net 8 version.

.Net VCL for Delphi v1.0.2.1 Release

May 31, 2024

Allow multiple versions of the product executables to run on the same machine.,
Supports .Net Runtime Library for Delphi version

.Net VCL for Delphi v1.0.2.0 Release

February 13, 2024

Supports Delphi 12 Athens,
Performance improvements,
Supports .Net Runtime Library for Delphi version

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.8.0 Release

January 08, 2024

Supports Delphi 12 Athens,
Solved some bugs and made some stability improvements.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility - Imports properties and fields with generic anonymous delegate types as methods,
Returns proper Nullable decimal type,
Imports 2 or more dimensional array types,
Imports default values for method parameters,
Creates default constructor for struct types.

dotNetCore4Delphi v1.0.3.0 Release

January 08, 2024

Supports Delphi 12 Athens,
Supports .Net 7,
Solved some bugs and made some stability improvements,
Improved memory management,
Note: Support for .Net 8 is available per request.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility - Fixed imported enum type names which are Delphi reserved word,
Fixed imported delegate types with duplcate names,
Fixed imported methods with missing parameter names,
Imports enum types which are not referenced by any members of the imported type,
Imports default values for method parameters,
Imports missing members of a base class or interface,
Creates default constructor for struct types,
Imports 2 or more dimensional array types.

.Net VCL for Delphi v1.0.1.3 Release

October 23, 2023

Stability and performance improvements,
Supports .Net Runtime Library for Delphi version

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.7.5 Release

April 03, 2023

Fixed method not found exception thrown when calling 2 methods of the same name with one as a generic method.
Stability and performance improvements.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility - Generates fields or properties which returns C# Action<> or Func<> delegates. Fixed Select All button functionality on the ".Net Types" page. Change default value of ExcludeInheritedTypeMethods property on "Choose .Net Assemblies" page from false to true. Fixed duplicate enum names generated for different enum types. Generates generic types with only type names as identifiers. Optimised Delphi codes generated by the utility.

dotNetCore4Delphi v1.0.2.0 Release

March 30, 2023

Support .Net 7.
Support .Net 6.
Usability improvements.
Stability and performance improvements.

dotNetCore4Delphi v1.0.1.0 Release

February 08, 2022

Allow self-contained deployment with .Net Core Runtime Host.
dotNetCore4Delphi Import Utility has been included.
Support for Delphi 2010 excluded.
Support for Lazarus excluded.

ADO.Net DAC for Delphi v4.0.5.1 Release

November 02, 2021

Supports for Delphi 11 Alexandria.

dotNetCore4Delphi v1.0.0.2 Release

September 30, 2021

Fixed bugs and supports Delphi 11 Alexandria.

.Net VCL for Delphi v1.0.1.2 Release

September 30, 2021

Fixed bugs and supports Delphi 11 Alexandria.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.7.4 Now Available

September 22, 2021

Fixed general bugs and supports Delphi 11 Alexandria.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility - Generates all enumerated types and all type methods including the methods in the base type.

dotNetCore4Delphi v1.0.0.1 Release

May 24, 2021

Supports FreePascal/Lazarus.

dotNetCore4Delphi v1.0.0.0 Release

May 01, 2021

Supports .Net 5 or Higher, Supports Windows OS.
Note: Full Support for Linux, macOS and other platforms will be available in the future release. Though the dotNetCore4Delphi supports multiple platforms, it has not been fully tested on Linux and macOS.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.7.3 Now Available

April 01, 2021

Resolve error with .Net static object callbacks, netstandard assembly library dependency search improvement, Resolve issues in .Net and Delphi callbacks.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility - Resolve Assembly dependency tab issues, Exclude .Net types with unicode type names when generating Delphi classes.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.7.2 Release

February 01, 2021

Supports for Multi-threading, Added TClrAssemblyDependencyLoader class for specifying dependent assembly directories (When loading assemblies, any missing dependent assemblies will be searched in the directories specified), Import process options are now stored in the generated files, Introduced a new Callback mechanism for converting callbacks in .net methods to it equivalents in Delphi and vice-versa, Fixed error when converting .Net bitwise enum in methods to Delphi and vice-versa, Stability and Usability improvements.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility - Fixed error when importing .Net class with method and event having the same name, Fixed error when generating class with multiple indexer properties, Converts generic Action and Func Delegates to it equivalent callbacks in Delphi instead of generating _GenericAction and _GenericFunc interfaces respectively.

dotNet4Java v1.0.1.0 Now Available

August 31, 2020

dotNetJava Import .Net/WSDL Utility release, dotNetJava .Net Framework Library Package release, Stability and Usability improvements.

dotNet4Java v1.0.0.0 Release

June 29, 2020

First release of dotNetJava, Support Java SE 8 or Higher, Support .Net Framework 4.0 or Higher.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.7.0 Release

April 20, 2020

Support for .Net Standard 2.1, Support for .Net Framework 4.6.1, Fixed E2266 error: "Only one of a set of overloaded methods can be published", Fixed error when converting UInt32 to a .Net Color in Delphi, Allows conversion from .Net System.Object[] array to _GenericList type, Improve product licensing and subscription process.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility - Fixed error in generated methods with var/out parameters which is of type enum, Converts nullable types to it equivalent in Delphi (Example: int? will be converted to NullableInt32), Converts generic list of type decimal to a _GenericList instead of IList<_decimal> to prevent type cast error, Generates all indexed properties for classes with indexers.

.Net Native Interface Library v1.0.0.0 Now Available

January 01, 2020

First release of .Net Native Interface Library, Supports .Net Framework 4.5 or higher, Supports 32bit applications ONLY, Supports any programming language such as C/C++, Java, Pascal, FreePascal, Delphi, VB, Python etc.

ADO.Net DAC for Delphi v4.0.4.0 Now Available

July 15, 2019

Improved data fetching process performance, Stability and performance improvements, Supports for Delphi 10.3 Rio.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.6.2 Release

July 08, 2019

Included OnAssemblyLoad, OnAssemblyResolve, OnProcessExit, OnResourceResolve and OnTypeResolve events to the TClrAppDomain class, Added UnsafeLoadFrom method to TClrAssembly class which will allow you to load any .net dll downloaded from the web, which is marked as blocked by the operating system.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility - Fixed error in the generated property Get method in a class if the return type is a clrlibrary interface array, Fixed line too long error in the generated unit, All IDictionary<,> type will be converted to GenericIDictionary instead of GenericDictionary to prevent access violation when accessing a property or method whose return type inherits from IDictionary<,> and not Dictionary<,> type, Added another load option called UnsafeLoadFrom option which can be used to load a local assembly that the operating system has flagged as having been loaded from the Web (for example, a temporary file that was downloaded from the Internet or intranet), Support 64bit .Net DLL (Can load and import any 64bit .Net assemblies).

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.6.1 Release

April 01, 2019

Resolved Product License Validation and Registration issues, Fixed "Access Violation Exception" when accessing a generated method or property which returns an array of object as interface.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility - Fixed issues with generated array interface where the base interface is declared as interfaceIClrArray instead of interface(IClrArray), Fixed issues with generated class where the class method parameters have the same name but with different CASES.

.Net Visual Component Library(VCL) for Delphi v1.0.0.0 Release

January 31, 2019

First release of .Net VCL for Delphi, Supports Delphi XE to Delphi 10.3 Rio, Supports 32-bit and 64-bit Delphi Application, Supports .Net Framework 4.5 or Higher.

ADO.Net DAC for Delphi v4.0.3.0 Release

January 15, 2019

Added VistaDB Data Access Components, Added Data and Grid components, Supports Delphi 10.3 Rio.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.6.0 Release

January 15, 2019

Supports Delphi 10.3 Rio, Fixed "Could not convert variant of type (Unknown) into type (OleStr) error" from a method that returns an array in a class generated by the Import Utility, Fixed "access violation error" from a method that returns an array in a class generated by the Import Utility, Fixed "Unable to wrap object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[System.String]' with type 'CNClrLibrary.Collections.IEnumerator' error" when converting .Net generic list to a Delphi generic list, Fixed bug in host container when hosting .Net WPF controls in Delphi, Win64 Apps using the Runtime Library no longer requires borlndmm.dll when deploying app, Usability improvements.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility - Include Guid in the generated interfaces to allow generic casting between the generated interfaces and its inherited classes, Eventhandler is generated with sender argument as TClrBaseObject type instead of IClrBaseObject interface to prevent access violation, Allows multiple selection and loading of WSDL source files. This is required to prevent parameter error in Wsdl if other dependent wsdl files cannot be loaded, Stability and performance improvements.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.5.1 Release

August 24, 2018

Added Cast methods (AsType<>, Cast<>, IsType<> etc) in TClrBaseObject for easy casting between inherited .Net types in Delphi.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility - Removed Guid Strings from the generated interfaces (Not required), Fixed error when converting some .Net generic types to Delphi.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.5.0 Release

August 06, 2018

Fix error triggered when converting .Net object to it base generic type from Delphi, No support for Delphi Codegear 2009.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility - Improved performance, Optimised Delphi codes generated by the utility, Fix WSDL load error by modifying the WSDL engine to load any WSDL documents and generate Delphi classes from the loaded wsdl types, The utility generates an interface unit from the types of the imported assemblies.

ADO.Net VCL for Delphi v4.0.1.0 Release

June 04, 2018

Stability and performance improvements, The product is no longer FREE.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.4.0 Release

May 09, 2018

Fixed error triggered by invoking methods with generic parameters, Register special key events in TClrContainer which allows hosted .Net Controls use tab, up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right arrow etc keys in Delphi.
.Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility - Optimised Delphi codes generated by the utility, Fixed reflection type load exception when generating delphi codes from GAC Asemblies.

Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.3.0 Release

April 02, 2018

Optimised Delphi codes generated by the .Net DLL/WSDL Import Utility, Introduced a new method called AsType in TClrBaseObject class for casting .Net derived class to base class in Delphi, Introduced a new unit called CNClrLib.Generic.Helper which contains helper class methods for converting .Net generic lists or dictionaries to Delphi generic List (TObjectList<>) or dictionary (TObjectDictionary<,>) and vice-versa.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.2.0 Release

January 22, 2018

Fixed "Object not set to an instance" error if a nil parameter is passed to TClrBaseObject constructor, Modified TClrBaseObject class to prevent the following error "This type has a ComVisible(false) parent in its hierarchy, therefore QueryInterface calls for IDispatch or class interfaces are disallowed.",
.Net Assembly/WSDL Import Tools - Delphi Code generator engine modified to produce clean and optimised delphi codes.

ADO.Net VCL for Delphi v4.0.1.0 Release

January 15, 2018

Added a new data access comonents for SQLite data sources(SQLite Data Access Components), Improved data fetching process performance.

ADO.Net VCL for Delphi v4.0.0.0 Release

December 24, 2017

Library of data access components which uses ADO.Net technology( SqlClient Data Access Components, OracleClient Data Access Components, ODBC Data Access Components, OLE DB Data Access Components, Virtual Table Components), New design, structure and implementation of the ADO.Net VCL components for Delphi, High overall performance, High performance in batch processing, Prefetching rows - specifies the number of rows that are to be fetched per server round trip, Bulk Copy Operation, Batch Update, Unicode support, Supports Delphi 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 102.2 Tokyo, Support .Net Framework 4.5 and above, No support for Delphi 7, Usability improvements, Stability and performance improvements, Easy to deploy.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.1.0 Release

October 20, 2017

Introduced a new class for handling event source notification in the host unit, Introduced a new wrapper class for static fields, methods and properties of System.Type in the host unit, Changed any reference of TClrActivator in the host unit to TDispatchActivator Class, Added extra methods to TDispatchActivator Class.
.Net Assembly/WSDL Import Tools - Fixed Object reference not set to an instance of an object error when generating Delphi Codes, Fixed E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'IList' error in the generated Delphi Units. IList is changed to _IList.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.0.1 Release

August 14, 2017

This version is an update of the previous version which includes bug fixes and memory management when loading .net assemblies from the assembly or appdomain class while remaining a very stable product. As part of the memory management, the return type of the methods for loading .net assemblies in TClrAssembly and TClrAppDomain Classes has been changed from TClrAssembly to _Assembly interface in order to prevent possible memory leaks if the user forgets to free the loaded .net assemblies.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6.0.0.0 Release

June 01, 2017

The runtime library implements fully all the Microsoft Common Object Runtime Library(MSCORLIB) types. These types are represented as dispatch interfaces. In the previous version only the classes of the mscorlib types were implemented without the mscorlib interface types. The previous version uses the interfaces defined in the type library mscorlib_tlb.pas. This caused so many issues and to resolve them all the types in mscorlib were implemented in the Runtime Library, Load .Net assemblies and create instances of the .net types of objects using new reflection class wrappers such as TClrAppDomain, TClrAssembly, TClrActivator and TClrDispatchActivator defined in Host Class Library, Load and build Web Services as assemblies using a new class called TClrWSDL. Using reflection classes or interfaces you can create instances of the imported webservices, access it fields, properties and invoke it methods, and many more.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v5000 Release

Oct 10, 2015

Supports for 64bit Delphi applications, improve process functionalities and many more.

.Net Runtime Library for Delphi v4.0.3.1 Release

May 05, 2015

Delphi developers can access .Net libraries through COM technology which requires library registrations and a whole lot of stuff before the inter-process communication between the Delphi Type Library objects and the .Net Library object types can be established. The era of creating and registering a type libraries for .Net assemblies in Delphi is finally over. CrystalNet Technologies LTD have introduced .Net Runtime Library for Delphi which provides a set of low-level routines used by Delphi compiler using COM to invoke the behaviours of the Common Runtime Language.

ADO.Net Components for Delphi v3.0.0.1 Release

Mar 03, 2015

ADO.Net VCL for Delphi is a CNetDAC components used for developing database applications on Delphi 7 and higher versions. With its powerful common architecture base on ADO.Net, the CNetDAC components enable native high-speed direct access from Delphi to SQL Server, SQLite, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, SQL Anywhere, Access, Informix and many more.