TCnComboBox Class
Represents a Windows combo box control.
type TCnComboBox = class(TCnListControl) end;
The TCnComboBox type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Create(TComponent) | Creates and initializes a TCnComboBox instance. (Overrides TCnListControl.Create(TComponent).) | |
Destroy | Frees the resources allocated with a TCnComboBox instance. (Overrides TCnListControl.Destroy.) |
Name | Description | |
AccessibleDescription | Gets or sets the description of the control used by accessibility client applications. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
AccessibleName | Gets or sets the name of the control used by accessibility client applications. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
AccessibleRole | Gets or sets the accessible role of the control (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Align | Determines how the control aligns within its container (parent control). (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Anchors | Specifies how the control is anchored to its parent. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
AutoCompleteCustomSource | Gets or sets a custom StringCollection to use when the AutoCompleteSource property is set to CustomSource. | |
AutoCompleteMode | Gets or sets an option that controls how automatic completion works for the ComboBox. | |
AutoCompleteSource | Gets or sets a value specifying the source of complete strings used for automatic completion. | |
AutoScrollOffset | Gets or sets where this control is scrolled to in ScrollControlIntoView(Control). (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
AutoSize | Specifies whether the control sizes itself automatically to accommodate its contents. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
BackColor | Gets or sets the background color for the control. | |
BackgroundImage | Gets or sets the background image displayed in the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
BackgroundImageLayout | Gets or sets the background image layout as defined in the ImageLayout enumeration. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
BindingContext | Gets or sets the BindingContext for the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
BindingSource | Gets or sets the data binding source for this ComboBox. | |
BorderStyle | Specifies the appearance and behavior of the form border. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Bottom | Gets the distance, in pixels, between the bottom edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Bounds | Gets or sets the size and location of the control including its nonclient elements, in pixels, relative to the parent control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
CanSelect | Gets a value indicating whether the control can be selected. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Capture | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control has captured the mouse. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
CausesValidation | Represents property | |
CnDock | Gets or sets which control borders are docked to its parent control and determines how a control is resized with its parent. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
CompanyName | Gets the name of the company or creator of the application containing the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Constraints | Specifies the size constraints for the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ContainsFocus | Gets a value indicating whether the control, or one of its child controls, currently has the input focus. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ControlIntf | Get .Net Control object as interface. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Controls | Gets the collection of controls contained within the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Created | Gets a value indicating whether the control has been created. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DataBindings | Gets the data bindings for the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DataSource | Gets or sets the data source for this ComboBox. | |
DefaultBackColor | Gets the default background color of the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DefaultClrObject | Gets the common language runtime object from this control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DefaultFont | Gets the default font of the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DefaultForeColor | Gets the default foreground color of the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DisplayMember | Represents property | |
DotNetHandle | Gets the window handle that the .Net control is bound to. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DragCursor | Specifies the image used to represent the mouse pointer when the control is being dragged. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DragMode | Specifies how the control initiates drag-and-drop or drag-and-dock operations. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DrawMode | Gets or sets a value indicating whether your code or the operating system will handle drawing of elements in the list. | |
DropDownHeight | Gets or sets the height in pixels of the drop-down portion of the ComboBox. | |
DropDownStyle | Gets or sets a value specifying the style of the combo box. | |
DropDownWidth | Gets or sets the width of the of the drop-down portion of a combo box. | |
DroppedDown | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the combo box is displaying its drop-down portion. | |
Enabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
FlatStyle | Gets or sets the appearance of the ComboBox. | |
Font | Represents property | |
ForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color of the control. | |
FormatInfo | Represents property | |
FormatString | Represents property | |
FormattingEnabled | Represents property | |
HasChildren | Gets a value indicating whether the control contains one or more child controls. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
IntegralHeight | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should resize to avoid showing partial items. | |
IsAccessible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is visible to accessibility applications. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
IsHandleCreated | Gets a value indicating whether the control has a handle associated with it. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
IsMirrored | Gets a value indicating whether the control is mirrored. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ItemHeight | Gets or sets the height of an item in the combo box. | |
Items | Gets a TStringList representing the collection of the items contained in this ComboBox. | |
ListControl | Get the base .Net ListControl object. (Inherited from TCnListControl.) | |
Location | Gets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the control relative to the upper-left corner of its container. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
MaxDropDownItems | Gets or sets the maximum number of items to be shown in the drop-down portion of the ComboBox. | |
MaximumSize | Gets or sets the size that is the upper limit that GetPreferredSize(Size) of the .Net control can specify. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
MaxLength | Gets or sets the number of characters a user can type into the ComboBox. | |
MinimumSize | Gets or sets the size that is the lower limit that GetPreferredSize(Size) of the .Net control can specify. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ModifierKeys | Gets a value indicating which of the modifier keys (SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT) is in a pressed state. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
MouseButtons | Gets a value indicating which of the mouse buttons is in a pressed state. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
MousePosition | Gets the position of the mouse cursor in screen coordinates. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ObjectCollection | Gets an object representing the collection of the items contained in this ComboBox. | |
OnBackColorChanged | Represents property | |
OnBindingContextChanged | Represents property | |
OnClick | Represents property | |
OnCursorChanged | Represents property | |
OnDataSourceChanged | Represents property | |
OnDisplayMemberChanged | Represents property | |
OnDragDrop | Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnDragOver | Occurs when an object is dragged over the control's bounds. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnEndDrag | Occurs when the dragging of an object ends, either by dropping the object or by canceling the dragging. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnEnter | Represents property | |
OnFontChanged | Represents property | |
OnForeColorChanged | Represents property | |
OnFormat | Represents property | |
OnFormatInfoChanged | Represents property | |
OnFormatStringChanged | Represents property | |
OnFormattingEnabledChanged | Represents property | |
OnKeyDown | Represents property | |
OnKeyPress | Represents property | |
OnKeyUp | Represents property | |
OnLeave | Represents property | |
OnMouseCaptureChanged | Represents property | |
OnMouseClick | Represents property | |
OnMouseDown | Represents property | |
OnMouseEnter | Represents property | |
OnMouseHover | Represents property | |
OnMouseLeave | Represents property | |
OnMouseMove | Represents property | |
OnMouseUp | Represents property | |
OnPropertyChange | Occurs when the published property of the control changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnSelectedValueChanged | Represents property | |
OnTextChanged | Represents property | |
OnValueMemberChanged | Represents property | |
PopupMenu | Specifies the pop-up menu associated with the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
PreferredHeight | Gets the preferred height of the ComboBox. | |
ProductName | Gets the product name of the assembly containing the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ProductVersion | Gets the version of the assembly containing the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Right | Gets the distance, in pixels, between the right edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
SelectedIndex | Gets or sets the index specifying the currently selected item. | |
SelectedItem | Gets or sets currently selected item in the ComboBox. | |
SelectedText | Gets or sets the text that is selected in the editable portion of a ComboBox. | |
SelectedValue | Represents property | |
SelectionLength | Gets or sets the number of characters selected in the editable portion of the combo box. | |
SelectionStart | Gets or sets the starting index of text selected in the combo box. | |
Size | Gets or sets the height and width of the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Sorted | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the items in the combo box are sorted. | |
TabOrder | Indicates the position of the control in its parent's tab order. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
TabStop | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can give the focus to this control using the TAB key. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Text | Gets or sets the text associated with this control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ToolTip | Associates ToolTip control with this control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
TooltipText | The ToolTip text to display when the pointer is on the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
UseWaitCursor | Represents property | |
ValueMember | Represents property | |
Visible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control and all its child controls are displayed. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) |
Name | Description | |
AdjustSize | Adjusts the control's size according to its contents and constraints. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
BeginUpdate | Maintains performance when items are added to the ComboBox one at a time. | |
CanAutoSize(Integer,Integer) | Indicates how the control can be resized. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
CanFocus | Indicates whether a control can receive focus. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
CanResize(Integer,Integer) | Indicates how the control can respond to a resize attempt (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ChangeScale(Integer,Integer) | Repositions and resizes the form by the ratio M/D, adjusting its client area and font size as needed. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
CreateControl | Forces the creation of the visible control, including the creation of the handle and any visible child controls. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
CreateGraphics | Creates the Graphics for the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
CreateHandle | Creates a handle for the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
CreateParams(TCreateParams) | Initializes the window-creation parameter record when the form window is created. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DblClick | OnDblClick event dispatcher. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoAddDockClient(TControl,TRect) | Performs actions when a control is docked to the windowed control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoBackColorChange(TObject) | Performs actions when a control BackColor changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoBackgroundImageChange(TObject) | Performs actions when a control BackgroundImage changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DockOver(TDragDockObject,Integer,Integer,TDragState,Boolean) | Responds when a docking client is dragged over the windowed control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DockReplaceDockClient(TControl,TWinControl,TControl,TAlign,TControl) | Invalidates the first dock site in the list of child controls. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoDockOver(TDragDockObject,Integer,Integer,TDragState,Boolean) | Generates an OnDockOver event. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoEnter | Respond to receiving input focus. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoExit | Responds to losing input focus. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoFontChange(TObject) | Performs actions when a control Font changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoForeColorChange(TObject) | Performs actions when a control ForeColor changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoGetControlClientRectangle | Gets the rectangle that represents the client area of the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoGetDefaultBorderStyle | Gets the default border type of the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoGetDotNetBaseControl | Gets the base .Net control. (Overrides TClrCustomControl.DoGetDotNetBaseControl.) | |
DoGetDotNetControlDefaultHeight | Gets the default height of the control. (Overrides TClrCustomControl.DoGetDotNetControlDefaultHeight.) | |
DoGetDotNetControlDefaultWidth | Gets the default Width of the control. (Overrides TClrCustomControl.DoGetDotNetControlDefaultWidth.) | |
DoGetDotNetControlHandle | Gets the window handle that the control is bound to. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoGetListControl | Get the base ListControl object from the control. (Overrides TCnListControl.DoGetListControl.) | |
DoInitializeDotNetControl | Creates and initializes the .Net control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoLocationChange(TObject) | Performs actions when a control Location changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoMaximumSizeChange(TObject) | Performs actions when a control MaximumSize changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoMinimumSizeChange(TObject) | Performs actions when a control MinimumSize changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoMouseWheel(TShiftState,Integer,TPoint) | Processes mouse wheel motion. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoMouseWheelDown(TShiftState,TPoint) | Is an OnMouseWheelDown event dispatcher. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoMouseWheelUp(TShiftState,TPoint) | Is an OnMouseWheelUp event dispatcher. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoOnAutoCompleteCustomSource(TObject) | Represents method | |
DoOnItemChanged(TObject) | Represents method | |
DoSetControlBorderStyle(TBorderStyle_) | Sets the border type of the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoSetControlStyles(TControlStyles_Set,Boolean) | Set the style of the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoSetDotNetControlParent | Specifies the parent of the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoShowContextMenu(TPoint) | Represents method | |
DoSizeChange(TObject) | Performs actions when a control Size changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoSupportTextProperty | Check if the Text property is supported by the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DoUseClrContainer | Specify whether to use the common language runtime usercontrol container to host the .Net control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
DrawToBitmap(TBitmap,TRect) | Supports rendering to the specified bitmap. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
EndUpdate | Resumes painting the ComboBox control after painting is suspended by the BeginUpdate() method. | |
FindString(String) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the first item in the ComboBox that starts with the specified string. | |
FindString(String,Integer) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the first item in the ComboBox beyond the specified index that contains the specified string. The search is not case sensitive. | |
FindStringExact(String) | Overloaded. Finds the first item in the combo box that matches the specified string. | |
FindStringExact(String,Integer) | Overloaded. Finds the first item after the specified index that matches the specified string. | |
Focus | Sets input focus to the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Focused | Determines whether the control has input focus. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
GetClrObject | Get the common language runtime object from the internal control interface. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
GetItemHeightByIndex(Integer) | Returns the height of an item in the ComboBox. | |
GetItemText(Olevariant) | Returns the text representation of the specified item. (Inherited from TCnListControl.) | |
Invalidate | Overloaded. Invalidates the entire surface of the control and causes the control to be redrawn. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Invalidate(Boolean) | Overloaded. Invalidates a specific region of the control and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. Optionally, invalidates the child controls assigned to the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Invalidate(TRect) | Overloaded. Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Invalidate(TRect,Boolean) | Overloaded. Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. Optionally, invalidates the child controls assigned to the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
IsKeyLocked(TKeys_Set) | Determines whether the CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK key is in effect. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
IsMnemonic(WCHAR,String) | Determines if the specified character is the mnemonic character assigned to the control in the specified string. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
KeyDown(Word,TShiftState) | Responds to key press events. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
KeyPress(Char) | Responds to keyboard input. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
KeyUp(Word,TShiftState) | Respond to released key. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
MouseDown(TMouseButton,TShiftState,Integer,Integer) | OnMouseDown event dispatcher. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
MouseMove(TShiftState,Integer,Integer) | Responds to mouse moving over control area. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
MouseUp(TMouseButton,TShiftState,Integer,Integer) | Is an OnMouseUp event dispatcher. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Notification(TComponent,TOperation) | Represents method | |
Paint | Renders the image of a windowed control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
PerformLayout | Overloaded. Forces the control to apply layout logic to all its child controls. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
PropertyChanged | Responds to change in the published properties of the control. (Overrides TClrCustomControl.PropertyChanged.) | |
QueryInterface(TGUID,Void) | Returns a reference to a specified interface if that interface is supported by the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Refresh | Forces the control to invalidate its client area and immediately redraw itself and any child controls. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
RegisterEventCallBack(ClrWString,Pointer) | Add an event to the instance using the specified event name and function pointer which is the event handler. The RegisterEventCallBack method does not directly add the event handler to the event. A hooking mechanism is used such that if the event is fired, the hook event is also fired which in turn calls the function pointer. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
RegisterEventSource | Register the Delphi object which will raise the .Net event handler. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Repaint | Repaints the entire control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ResetBackColor | Resets the BackColor property to its default value. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ResetBindings | Causes a control bound to the BindingSource to reread all the items in the list and refresh their displayed values (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ResetCursor | Resets the Cursor property to its default value. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ResetFont | Resets the Font property to its default value. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ResumeLayout | Overloaded. Resumes usual layout logic. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
ResumeLayout(Boolean) | Overloaded. Resumes usual layout logic, optionally forcing an immediate layout of pending layout requests. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Scale(TSizeF) | Scales the control and all child controls by the specified scaling factor. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
Select(Integer,Integer) | Selects a range of text in the editable portion of the ComboBox. | |
SelectAll | Selects all the text in the editable portion of the ComboBox. | |
SetAutoSize(Boolean) | Sets the value of the AutoSize property. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
SetBorderStyle(TBorderStyle) | Sets the value of the BorderStyle property. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
SetBounds(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) | Sets the windowed control's boundary properties all at once. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
SetName(TComponentName) | Sets the name of the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
SetText(String) | Sets the text of the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
SuspendLayout | Temporarily suspends the layout logic for the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
UnRegisterEventCallBack(ClrWString,Pointer) | Remove an event from the instance using the specified event name and function pointer which is the event handler. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
UnRegisterEventSource | Represents method | |
Update | Causes the control to redraw the invalidated regions within its client area. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
UpdateDotNetControlSize | Updates .Net control size. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
UpdateStyleElements | Invalidates a specific region of the control and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
WndProc(TMessage) | Provides specific message responses for the control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
_AddRef | Called when an application uses a component interface. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
_Release | Called when an application releases a component interface. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) |
Name | Description | |
OnBackgroundImageChanged | Occurs when the value of the BackgroundImage property changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnCausesValidationChanged | Occurs when the value of the CausesValidation property changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnClientSizeChanged | Occurs when the value of the ClientSize property changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnDoubleClick | Occurs when the control is double-clicked. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnDrawItem | Occurs when a visual aspect of an owner-drawn ComboBox changes. | |
OnDropDown | Occurs when the drop-down portion of a ComboBox is shown. | |
OnDropDownClosed | Occurs when the drop-down portion of the ComboBox is no longer visible. | |
OnDropDownStyleChanged | Occurs when the DropDownStyle property has changed. | |
OnEnabledChanged | Occurs when the Enabled property value has changed. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnGotFocus | Occurs when the control receives focus. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnInvalidated | Occurs when a control's display requires redrawing. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnLostFocus | Occurs when the control loses focus. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnMeasureItem | Occurs each time an owner-drawn ComboBox item needs to be drawn and when the sizes of the list items are determined. | |
OnMouseDoubleClick | Occurs when the control is double clicked by the mouse. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnMouseWheel | Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnMove | Occurs when the control is moved. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnPaint | Occurs when the control is redrawn. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnPreviewKeyDown | Occurs before the OnKeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnResize | Occurs when the control is resized. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnSelectedIndexChanged | Occurs when the SelectedIndex property has changed. | |
OnSelectionChangeCommitted | Occurs when the user changes the selected item and that change is displayed in the ComboBox. | |
OnSizeChanged | Occurs when the Size property value changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnSystemColorsChanged | Occurs when the system colors change. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnTabIndexChanged | Occurs when the TabOrder/TabIndex property value changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnTabStopChanged | Occurs when the TabStop property value changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnTextUpdate | Occurs when the control has formatted the text, but before the text is displayed. | |
OnValidated | Occurs when the control is finished validating. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnValidating | Occurs when the control is validating. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) | |
OnVisibleChanged | Occurs when the Visible property value changes. (Inherited from TClrCustomControl.) |
See C:\Users\Public\Documents\CrystalNet Technologies\.Net VCL for Delphi Demo Folder after installation for examples of how to use this control.