TCnXmlDocument Class
type TCnXmlDocument = class(TClrBaseComponent) end;
The TCnXmlDocument type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Create(TComponent) | Creates and initializes a TCnXmlDocument instance. (Overrides TClrBaseComponent.Create(TComponent).) | |
Destroy | Frees the resources allocated with a TCnXmlDocument instance. (Overrides TClrBaseComponent.Destroy.) |
Name | Description | |
Attributes | Gets an XmlAttributeCollection containing the attributes of current node. | |
BaseURI | Gets the base URI of the current node. | |
ChildNodes | Gets all the child nodes of the node. | |
DefaultClrObject | Get the common language runtime object interface for this component. (Inherited from TClrBaseComponent.) | |
DocumentElement | Gets the root XmlElement for the document. | |
DocumentType | Gets the node containing the DOCTYPE declaration. | |
FileName | Gets or sets the URL for the file containing the XML document to load. The URL can be either a local file or an HTTP URL (a Web address). | |
FirstChild | Gets the first child of the node. | |
HasChildNodes | Gets a value indicating whether this node has any child nodes. | |
Implementation_ | Gets the XmlImplementation object for the current document. | |
InnerText | Throws an InvalidOperationException in all cases. | |
InnerXml | Gets or sets the markup representing the children of the current node. | |
IsReadOnly | Gets a value indicating whether the current node is read-only. | |
Item[String] | Gets the first child element with the specified Name. | |
LastChild | Gets the last child of the node. | |
LocalName | Gets the local name of the node. | |
Name | Gets the qualified name of the node. | |
NamespaceURI | Gets the namespace URI of this node. | |
NameTable | Gets the XmlNameTable associated with this implementation. | |
NextSibling | Gets the node immediately following this node. | |
NodeType | Gets the type of the current node. | |
OuterXml | Gets the markup containing this node and all its child nodes. | |
OwnerDocument | Gets the XmlDocument to which the current node belongs. | |
ParentNode | Gets the parent node of this node (for nodes that can have parents). | |
Prefix | Gets or sets the namespace prefix of this node. | |
PreserveWhitespace | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to preserve white space in element content. | |
PreviousSibling | Gets the node immediately preceding this node. | |
SchemaInfo | Returns the Post-Schema-Validation-Infoset (PSVI) of the node. | |
Schemas | Gets or sets the XmlSchemaSet object associated with this XmlDocument. | |
Value | Gets or sets the value of the node. | |
XmlResolver | Sets the XmlResolver to use for resolving external resources. |
Name | Description | |
AppendChild(_XmlNode) | Adds the specified node to the end of the list of child nodes, of this node. | |
Clone | Creates a duplicate of this node. | |
CloneNode(Boolean) | Creates a duplicate of this node. | |
CreateAttribute(String) | Overloaded. Creates an XmlAttribute with the specified Name. | |
CreateAttribute(String,String) | Overloaded. Creates an XmlAttribute with the specified qualified name and NamespaceURI. | |
CreateAttribute(String,String,String) | Overloaded. Creates an XmlAttribute with the specified Prefix, LocalName, and NamespaceURI. | |
CreateCDataSection(String) | Creates an XmlCDataSection containing the specified data. | |
CreateComment(String) | Creates an XmlComment containing the specified data. | |
CreateDocumentFragment | Creates an XmlDocumentFragment. | |
CreateDocumentType(String,String,String,String) | Returns a new XmlDocumentType object. | |
CreateElement(String) | Overloaded. Creates an element with the specified name. | |
CreateElement(String,String) | Overloaded. Creates an XmlElement with the qualified name and NamespaceURI. | |
CreateElement(String,String,String) | Overloaded. Creates an element with the specified Prefix, LocalName, and NamespaceURI. | |
CreateEntityReference(String) | Creates an XmlEntityReference with the specified name. | |
CreateNavigator | Creates a new XPathNavigator object for navigating this document. | |
CreateNode(String,String,String) | Overloaded. Creates an XmlNode with the specified node type, Name, and NamespaceURI. | |
CreateNode(TXmlNodeType,String,String) | Overloaded. Creates an XmlNode with the specified XmlNodeType, Name, and NamespaceURI. | |
CreateNode(TXmlNodeType,String,String,String) | Overloaded. Creates a XmlNode with the specified XmlNodeType, Prefix, Name, and NamespaceURI. | |
CreateProcessingInstruction(String,String) | Creates an XmlProcessingInstruction with the specified name and data. | |
CreateSignificantWhitespace(String) | Creates an XmlSignificantWhitespace node. | |
CreateTextNode(String) | Creates an XmlText with the specified text. | |
CreateWhitespace(String) | Creates an XmlWhitespace node. | |
CreateXmlDeclaration(String,String,String) | Creates an XmlDeclaration node with the specified values. | |
Dispose | Releases the resources used by the Component. (Inherited from TClrBaseComponent.) | |
DoGetDefaultClrObject | Represents method | |
DoGetDotNetBaseComponent | Represents method | |
GetClrObject | Represents method | |
GetElementById(String) | Gets the XmlElement with the specified ID. | |
GetElementsByTagName(String) | Overloaded. Returns an XmlNodeList containing a list of all descendant elements that match the specified Name. | |
GetElementsByTagName(String,String) | Overloaded. Returns an XmlNodeList containing a list of all descendant elements that match the specified LocalName and NamespaceURI. | |
GetEnumerator | Get an enumerator that iterates through the child nodes in the current node. | |
GetNamespaceOfPrefix(String) | Looks up the closest xmlns declaration for the given prefix that is in scope for the current node and returns the namespace URI in the declaration. | |
GetPrefixOfNamespace(String) | Looks up the closest xmlns declaration for the given namespace URI that is in scope for the current node and returns the prefix defined in that declaration. | |
ImportNode(_XmlNode,Boolean) | Imports a node from another document to the current document. | |
InsertAfter(_XmlNode,_XmlNode) | Inserts the specified node immediately after the specified reference node. | |
InsertBefore(_XmlNode,_XmlNode) | Inserts the specified node immediately before the specified reference node. | |
Load(String) | Overloaded. Loads the XML document from the specified URL. | |
Load(_Stream) | Overloaded. Loads the XML document from the specified stream. | |
Load(_TextReader) | Overloaded. Loads the XML document from the specified TextReader. | |
Load(_XmlReader) | Overloaded. Loads the XML document from the specified XmlReader. | |
LoadXml(String) | Loads the XML document from the specified string. | |
Normalize | Puts all XmlText nodes in the full depth of the sub-tree underneath this XmlNode into a "normal" form where only markup (that is, tags, comments, processing instructions, CDATA sections, and entity references) separates XmlText nodes, that is, there are no adjacent XmlText nodes. | |
PrependChild(_XmlNode) | Adds the specified node to the beginning of the list of child nodes for this node. | |
ReadNode(_XmlReader) | Creates an XmlNode object based on the information in the XmlReader. The reader must be positioned on a node or attribute. | |
RegisterEventCallBack(ClrWString,Pointer) | Add an event to the instance using the specified event name and function pointer which is the event handler. The RegisterEventCallBack method does not directly add the event handler to the event. A hooking mechanism is used such that if the event is fired, the hook event is also fired which in turn calls the function pointer. (Inherited from TClrBaseComponent.) | |
RegisterEventSource | Register the Delphi object which will raise the .Net event handler. (Inherited from TClrBaseComponent.) | |
RemoveAll | Removes all the child nodes and/or attributes of the current node. | |
RemoveChild(_XmlNode) | Removes specified child node. | |
ReplaceChild(_XmlNode,_XmlNode) | Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild node. | |
Save(String) | Overloaded. Saves the XML document to the specified file. If the specified file exists, this method overwrites it. | |
Save(_Stream) | Overloaded. Saves the XML document to the specified stream. | |
Save(_TextWriter) | Overloaded. Saves the XML document to the specified TextWriter. | |
Save(_XmlWriter) | Overloaded. Saves the XML document to the specified XmlWriter. | |
SelectNodes(String) | Overloaded. Selects a list of nodes matching the XPath expression. | |
SelectNodes(String,_XmlNamespaceManager) | Overloaded. Selects a list of nodes matching the XPath expression. Any prefixes found in the XPath expression are resolved using the supplied XmlNamespaceManager. | |
SelectSingleNode(String) | Overloaded. Selects the first XmlNode that matches the XPath expression. | |
SelectSingleNode(String,_XmlNamespaceManager) | Overloaded. Selects the first XmlNode that matches the XPath expression. Any prefixes found in the XPath expression are resolved using the supplied XmlNamespaceManager. | |
Supports(String,String) | Tests if the DOM implementation implements a specific feature. | |
UnRegisterEventCallBack(ClrWString,Pointer) | Remove an event from the instance using the specified event name and function pointer which is the event handler. (Inherited from TClrBaseComponent.) | |
UnRegisterEventSource | Unregister the Delphi object which raised the .Net event handler. (Inherited from TClrBaseComponent.) | |
Validate(_ValidationEventHandler) | Overloaded. Validates the XmlDocument against the XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) schemas contained in the Schemas property. | |
Validate(_ValidationEventHandler,_XmlNode) | Overloaded. Validates the XmlNode object specified against the XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) schemas in the Schemas property. | |
WriteContentTo(_XmlWriter) | Saves all the children of the XmlDocument node to the specified XmlWriter. | |
WriteTo(_XmlWriter) | Saves the XmlDocument node to the specified XmlWriter. |
Name | Description | |
OnNodeChanged | Occurs when the Value of a node belonging to this document has been changed. | |
OnNodeChanging | Occurs when the Value of a node belonging to this document is about to be changed. | |
OnNodeInserted | Occurs when a node belonging to this document has been inserted into another node. | |
OnNodeInserting | Occurs when a node belonging to this document is about to be inserted into another node. | |
OnNodeRemoved | Occurs when a node belonging to this document has been removed from its parent. | |
OnNodeRemoving | Occurs when a node belonging to this document is about to be removed from the document. |